ACLI - Benefits

  • ….provide illustrations based on different assumptions.
    • This would serve to demonstrate to the consumer the effect on future benefits of changes in assumptions.  (p183)

1988-2, NAIC Proceedings - ACLI - A Statement on Behalf of the American Council of Life Insurance to the NAIC Market Conduct Surveillance (EX3) Task Force - 3p 

2018 0319 - ACLI - Letter - Comments on the 3-19-18 Draft Buyer’s Guide exposure draft for the Life Insurance Buyers Guide - Binder 4, p212

  • ...completely Dynamic services and policy opportunities for their customers to purchase and to elect a variety of options.

--  Michael Lovendusky, ACLI

2019 1109 - Life Insurance Illustrations Working Group Conference Call  - [Bonk: Not in Proceedings]

  • re: Universal Life Insurance
    • They merely afford purchasers greater flexibility in designing their contracts so as to meet their individual needs.

1982-1, NAIC Proceedings - ACLI - Statement of the American Council of Life Insurance Before the NASAA NAIC Joint Regulatory Insurance - 10p

  • What is in a policy illustration?
    • A policy illustration is meant to provide an example, based on certain assumptions, of how a policy’s costs and benefits may develop over time—including, but not limited to, premium amounts owed, cash values, and death benefits.

Current - ACLI - What You Should Know About Buying Life Insurance - [link]