Agents - Consumer Interaction

Sad to say there are large numbers of producers - including big earners - who are screwing the insurance buying public through their own ignorance.  (p161)

--  Arthur Shievitz, Letter 

1991 0613 - GOV (House) - Insurance Competitive Competitive Pricing Act of 1991 - [PDF-237p-GooglePlay

  • Larry Gorski of the Illinois department mentioned that in states that do not regulate advertising or promotional materials, misleading statements can be rampant in those materials even if the illustrations are made pure.

--  Benjamin J. Bock, Transamerica Occidental

1992 - SOA - Life Insurance Sales Illustrations, Society of Actuaries - 16p

  • I think any way that we can make illustrations more understandable to the public is certainly going to help us.
    • We've seen the problems that have occurred when Senator Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH) was given an illustration with a vanishing premium, and he had absolutely no idea that he had bought a policy that was not paid up in four years.
    • It caused many problems for the industry; it caused many problems because the press got involved, and the press doesn't understand the products as well as it thinks it does.

--  Linda M. Lankowski

1995 - SOA - Practical Illustrations and Nonforfeiture Values, Society of Actuaries - 14p

  • [Bonk: Connect with:
    • Legal Case - Video - 15-16740 Kamies Elhouty v. Lincoln Benefit Life Company -  Judge: there used to be cases...]
    • 1995 - SOA - Practical Illustrations and Nonforfeiture Values, Society of Actuaries - 14p
      • Susan Oberman Smith: I think that one problem, even with the illustration disclosure, is that you are still not controlling what the agent actually says to the client, even when he or she sees that illustration. 
        • I've been in many situations where our agent says, "I sold them a ten-pay contract and it was paid up in ten years," and I say, "It's not paid up."
        • I don't know how you can handle the idea of the agent telling somebody that it's a paid-up contract when it really was a vanishing-premium-concept contract.