Annual Statements - Walker v LSW

(p200) - Annual Statement - Monthly Deductions - Howlett

Q Now, if you turn -- well, actually let's stay on the first page. Do you see on the line right above that it says monthly deductions?
A Yes, I do.
Q And the monthly deductions are listed as what amount?
A $25,204.
Q Now, remember back when we were talking about the monthly administrative charge that was in your illustration that was 780 some dollars a month? Do you remember that?
A Yes.
Q So let's round it to 800, 800 a month.  So 800 a month would be eight times 12, about $9,600 a year; correct?
A Yes.
Q So you got your first annual statement that shows monthly deductions totaling more than $9,600; correct?
A Yes.
Q So by the time of your annual statement, it was perfectly clear, as it was in your policy, that the monthly administrative charge wasn't the only expense; correct?
A It shows the deduction and the interest credited, yes.
Q But you didn't read that?
A I don't recall whether I read it or not.

2014 0416 – DOC 809 – Trial Transcript – Walker v LSW – 236p