Consumer Representatives

Members of the NAIC Market Conduct & Consumer Affairs Subcommittee Advisory Committee 


  • Mr. Hunter then discussed the matter of consumer representation on the committee and stated his viewpoint that if this truly is to be a market conduct and consumer affairs subcommittee, there should be a more proportionate representation on the committee of consumer representatives.


  • Discussion followed concerning the historical evolution of the subcommittee, with the general understanding expressed that originally it was formed to deal with problems facing insurance department market conduct and complaint handler departments.
  • It was not felt that the subcommittee was originally designed to be a consumer forum.

Mr. Hunter stated that if this were to be the case, he would suggest that the subcommittee be renamed so as not to give the impression that it is a forum for consumer input.

  • He suggested a name such as the "Market Conduct and  Complaint Handlers Subcommittee" consistent with what the committee's understanding was of the original purpose of the subcommittee.

1988-1, NAIC Proceedings