FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation

  • (p108) - 377. A May 4, 2005, Wall Street Journal article indicated that the Federal Bureau of Investigations had begun conducting criminal probes of accounting at insurance companies, including AIG.
  • That article read, in relevant part:
    • FBI field officers congregated in Washington, D.C., last week to discuss the topic of improper accounting gimmicks and whether they were widely used across the insurance industry, Mr. Swecker said.
    • As for AIG, he said that FBI agents are for now “standing by” as New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, working with the Justice Department, conducts an investigation.
    • “I would not classify that as a full-blown investigation on our part,” Mr. Swecker said.
    • Brian Lamkin, Chief of the FBI’s financial crimes section, said his office was coordinating with the SEC and state insurance commissioners in a probe of the insurance industry.

2006 - LC - RE: American International Group, Inc.  Consolidated Third Amended Complaint - 496p

  • The Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI
    • socxfbi.org/
    • documents.theblackvault.com/documents/fbifiles/Society_of_Former_Special_Agents_of_FBI-HQ-7_text.pdf
      • ...  the Society of Former Special Agents have adopted a new insurance program which apparently has caused some consternation among the members with the result that some of the members are threatening to go to court to get an lmunction to enjoin the Society from taking on the new insurance program.
      • [Handwritten] - "another reason why we should not get too close to this group" - [Bonk: What does this mean?"
      • "We are strictly a social Club", Dence explained, "but we do have such things as national placement service and a life insurance program."
      • [Bonk: From a Journalist (Who-?) to J. Edgar Hoover] - I was much impressed by their number, and by the multiplicity of positions they now fill in large corporations and industries, their continued investigative work in insurance companies, etc. [Bonk: What doe this mean? - "continued investigative work in insurance companies"]