Financial Services Roundtable

  • (p20) / 01:00:00 - I heard the consistency on the panel that there is no call here for a new regulator or super regulator to take the place, but rather someone to connect the dots. 
  • (p21) - It is that connecting the dots’ system that we are calling for, not a new regulator.

Steve Bartlett, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Financial Services Roundtable

2009 0305 - GOV (House) - Perspectives on Systemic Risk, Paul Kanjorski (D-PA)  ---  [BonkNote]

  • Title III of Gramm-Leach-Bliley, I believe, mistakenly reaffirmed that the business of insurance is regulated primarily by the States. During the past 5 years, all parties to insurance regulation, including State insurance commissioners, have concluded that the current system of insurance regulation is fundamentally flawed.

--  Steve Bartlett, 

2004 0713 - GOV (Senate) - Examination of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Five Years After Its Passage

  • The Financial Services Roundtable national association, whose membership is reserved for the 100 largest diversified financial services firms, including banks, insurance companies, and securities firms, very much welcomes this opportunity to testify before you on a very major piece of unfinished business in the modernization of the American financial system, the creation of an optional Federal insurance charter that will parallel the national banking charter.

2000 0720 - GOV (House) - Improving Insurance for Consumers—Increasing Uniformity and Efficiency in Insurance Regulation [PDF-47p, VIDEO-?], House - Committee on Commerce - Subcommittee on Finance and Hazardous Materials