2010s - 2020s - NAIC - Insurance Commissioners - Focus Groups

NAIC Working Groups - Current / Recent


 He <Birny Birnbaum (Center for Economic Justice—CEJ)> said it is important that state insurance regulators determine if illustrations are accomplishing what they are intended to accomplish, how they are being used and whether consumers understand them. Mr. Birnbaum also suggested that illustrations should be consumer-tested.

   He <Mr. Wicka> said that a report could include a recommendation that consumer testing is needed. 


John Feeney (Prudential Life Insurance) said that the American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI) task force formed to discuss the Life Insurance Illustration Issues (A) Working Group is chaired by Prudential Life Insurance and Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance He said the companies participating on the ACLI task force are not supportive of consumer testing at this time  

ACLI Letter

Such a fact-finding might profitably begin with a professionally (or perhaps academically) constructed, objectively managed consumer test of representative sample policy summaries and narrative summaries. This approach was discussed by the Working Group in 2016. The ACLI supplied the NAIC and interested parties with access to numerous sample policy summaries and policy narratives. However, they were never consumer-tested to determine whether they were, in fact, unreadable or incoherent to consumers. Rather, the idea of consumer-testing, which was supported by industry and funded consumer representatives, was tabled in favor of exploring the development of a voluntary, short, consumer-oriented document which might theoretically supplant existing policy and narrative summaries.

ACLI - Pat Reeder

-Idea of the Informed Consumer

3 Broad Recommendations:
1) Consumer Testing -Fundamental Question: Will this form enhance the customer experience?  
2)  Enhance the NAIC Electronic Consumer's Guide -  NAIC Life Insurance Information - Example: SEC Summary Prospectus
3) Have a larger discussion about the disclosure and buying process... backed with data driven studies to understand when consumers need what information in the buying process.  Consider the information available at each point in time.

Disclamer :  If we are going to have a meaningful conversation everybody has to walk in with putting aside their presuppositions.  In other words, if the conclusion of the analysis is that a change needs to be made, then we need to embrace the change.  If the conclusion of the analysis is that a change doesn't need to be made, then we need to embrace that no change needs to be made...or whatever that embracing is...

If the 3 broad recommendations get baked into the work plan, we think that will help the process.


Richard Wicka

 The issue of Consumer Testing has come up before the group and I think it's a good point and something that we need to keep in mind. 

That's not something that our Working Group can do on it's own, but if that is the will of the Working Group we can certainly make a recommendation to the A Committee that Consumer Testing be explored.  One of the things we've been struggling with is the Chicken and Egg problem.  My hope is if we have some samples that there is some general consensus around then we have something to test.  And, I guess, there's some disagreement around whether or not that's needed at all.  

As far as comments 2 and 3, I'm not sure that those are things that our Working Group can address, but I appreciate how this workstream goes into those larger issues.

Birny Birnbaum

In response to the ACLI Comments:
Those 3 broad issues are really appropriately addressed at the A Committee, not to this Committee <Working Group>.  This Committee <Working Group> has a specific charge to do.  And particularly items 2 and 3 are outside of those charges.  In fact, there is another NAIC Life A Committee <LIFE INSURANCE ONLINE GUIDE (A) WORKING GROUP>..... Second point that Mr. Reeder raised.    

In response to point 3, CEJ has already proposed a broader look at Illustrations.  And that should be a topic at the Summer National Meeting at the A Committee.  In terms of Consumer Testing, we always asked for Consumer Testing, but it requires funding and the Working Group is not a position to either ask for or direct the expenditure of such funding.  It has to come through the NAIC or through private parties.  So, again, these are not issues that are not appropriately before this Working Group.  

Jodi Lerner 

To the extent that we can reach out to the appropriate folks, I think it would be a good idea to get Consumer Testing... especially as we're going along and we are looking at other types of Life Insurance.

Richard Wicka

As I mentioned, I think it would be perfectly appropriate for us to make a recommendation on Consumer Testing. 
  • Commissioner Ommen asked whether Mr. Birnbaum is aware of any consumer testing of illustrations or research that has already been done that looks at consumer understanding in this area.
  • Mr. Birnbaum said ..... he is not aware of any consumer testing in this area.

2020 1110 - Life Insurance and Annuities (A) Committee
Virtual Meeting