
  • LIFE, a non-profit organization founded in 1994 by representatives of seven life and health insurance agent organizations in the United States and Canada, was formed to address the growing need to educate the public regarding the benefits of life and health insurance and the value-added role of the agent/advisor. 
--  David F. Woods, CEO, National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA) - Testimony - 21p
2003 0515 - GOV (House) - Retirement Security: What Seniors Need to Know About Protecting Their Futures - [PDF-137, VIDEO-?]
  • Last year, to remind consumers about the death benefit -- and the usefulness of life insurance agents in financial planning -- Mr. Woods and other agents created the Life and Health Insurance Foundation for Education, with the convenient acronym of LIFE.
  • The group received $1.5 million of seed money from organizations representing 165,000 agents, including the Million Dollar Round Table, an organization for the most successful agents.
    • It then turned to a New York public relations firm, Robinson Lake Sawyer Miller.
    • With a combination of advertising, seminars and training materials for agents, executives at Robinson Lake hope to "move the needle" on public opinion of life insurance, in much the same way that they succeeded with earlier efforts to promote milk and pork.

1995 0929 - NYT - Could This Be You?, by Michael Quint - [link]