LineUP - Congressional Hearings - Video Clips


  • 2018 0307 - GOV - Legislative Review of H.R. 5059, the State Insurance Regulation Preservation Act - 1:48:00
    • VIDEO-Youtube
    • State Insurance Regulation Preservation Act 
    • Ross (FL) v Schwarcz
    • House - Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance - Committee on Financial Services
  •  GOV (House) - The Causes and Effects of the AIG Bailout- AIG Bailout Oversight Hearing, Panel 1 - [PDF-171pVIDEO-CSPAN]
    • (p54) - 1:34 - 1:41 - Bruce Braley (D-IA):
      • Mr. Dinallo, I want to start with you.
      • Twenty-five years ago, I was a research assistant to Professor Alan Whitus, who was updating the Keeton and Whitus basic text on insurance law; and I think both Professor Whitus and Professor Keeton would be rolling over in their graves seeing what has happened to the industry that they were so passionate about.
      • I think you would agree with me that industry has changed radically in the 25 years that I’ve been talking about.
      • Eric Dinallo - New York State Superintendent of Insurance - January 2007 through July 2009