Maiden Lane II

  • 2013 - Federal Reserve / AIG - MLII Financial Statements, Financial Statements as of and for the Years Ended December 31, 2013 and 2012, and Independent Auditors' Report, FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM: FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK - 17p
  • 2013 0301 - Press Release - FRB-NY - Statement Regarding Recent Maiden Lane II Litigation Matters, Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRB-NY) - 1p 
  • 30.1.6 On December 12, 2008, Maiden Lane II LLC (“ML II”), another FRBNY-controlled LLC, purchased RMBS with a par value of $39.3 billion from certain AIG insurance subsidiaries
    for $19.8 billion, causing the subsidiaries to suffer a permanent loss of $19.5 billion on the RMBS in exchange for limited upside in ML II. (JX 188 at 41, 250). ....... 264
  • 30.1.7 AIG’s participation in ML II and ML III crystallized losses at the bottom of the market for AIGFP’s multi-sector CDS portfolio and AIG’s securities lending program. (PTX 578 at 3; see infra §§ 34.4, 34.9). ......... 266
  • 33.9.3 Defendant communicated directly with AIG’s lead insurance regulator, the New York State Insurance Department (“NYSID”). ................... 367
  • 34.4 Defendant Knew That Maiden Lane II and III Would Cause AIG to Give Up at Least $50-$100 Billion in Upside. ............ 378
    34.4.2 The formation of Maiden Lanes II and III crystallized losses at the bottom of the market for AIGFP’s multi-sector CDS portfolio and AIG’s securities lending program. (PTX 578 at 3). ............. 380

LC - Starr International Company, Inc. v. The United States - Case 1:11-cv-00779 - Document 428 - Plaintiff's Proposed Findings of  Fact - 573p