
  • Life insurance companies were, however, major investors in mortgages.
    • In 1870, 40 percent of the industry's assets were invested in mortgages and five years later, 54 percent.

1976 - AP - Eastern Money and Western Mortgages in the 1870s, H. Peers Brewer - 

  • In support of this proposition, housing groups cite the reduction in mortgage/asset ratios of mutual savings banks in recent years, as well as the wholesale withdrawal of life insurance companies from the single-family market.

1977 06 - HLLBB Journal - Modernizing Thrift Institutions . . . Full Service Family Financial Centers Are the Answer, by Saul B. Klaman, Executive Vice President National Association of Mutual Savings Banks

⇒ [Bonk: Found in Records & Briefs New York State Appellate Division - 1831p-GooglePlay]

      • The report of this task force appears as “The Risk of Asset Default,” by Irwin T. Vanderhoof, Faye Albert, Aaron Tennenbein, and Ralph Verni, in Transactions of the Society of Actuaries, Volume XL1 (1989), pages 547- 582, and is not reprinted here.
      • 1989 - SOA - The Risk of Asset Default Report of the Society of Actuaries C-1 Risk Task Force off the Committee on Valuation and Related Areas, by Irwin T. Vanderhoof, Faye Albert, Aaron Tenenbein, And Ralph Verni, Society of Actuaries - 46p
        • This paper summarizes default experience on bonds from 1900 through
          1987. Although the information is more extensive for publicly traded bonds, the paper includes some information on private placements, some of which is not otherwise available. It should constitute an appropriate reference for defaults and default losses.
  • 1956 - Book - Life Insurance Housing Projects, Huebner - [Hathitrust-link]
  • 1961 - NBER - The Postwar Residential Mortgage Market, Saul B. Klaman - [link]
    • Chapter Title: Mortgage Lending Policies of Financial Intermediaries - 41p
  • 1995 - NBER - Chapter Title: The Evolution of Interregional Mortgage Lending Channels, 1870-1940: The Life Insurance-Mortgage Company Connection - 49p
  • 2016 - AP - The Search For A Balanced Economy: The Origins Of The Mortgage Market And Bank Bailouts, 1913-1939, By Earl Ferdinand Glock - 397p
  • 1971 0913, 0914, 0915 - GOV (Senate) - Competition in Real Estate and Mortgage Lending - [PDF- p-GooglePlay - Part 1] 
    • (p20) - Mr. CHUMBRIS. As I understand from the testimony and the advanced information we have received, prior to the BBURG plan, only one bank, I think it is the Five Cents Boston Bank, was providing loans for the people in that area.
      • Is that correct?
    • Mrs. SACKS. Lowdown payments?
    • Mr. CHUMBRIS. Yes.
    • Mrs. SACKS. I think so, but I am not sure whether that was the early part of the BBURG program, before they had an office, that the Boston Five was doing this.
      • In other words, I think it was also part of the BBURG plan.
      • I do not think that any banks were giving these low-down payment loans to families prior to the BBURG coalition.
      • We tried one bank for this one-for this first family who bought in the fall of 1967 and that bank said do not come back to us-spread the risk around.
      • And we had great difficulty until the Metropolitan Life Insurance pool for mortgages was set up.
      • So that there were not banks giving these mortgages prior to the bank coalition or the insurance company. 
  • CMBS - Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities
  • Farms
  • Housing Projects
    • Metropolitan
    • BBURG
  • HMDA - Home Mortgage Disclosure Act 
  • RMBS - Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities
  • (p977) - The life insurance companies have pretty much abandoned the residential mortgage market in the past 10 years.

--  Statement of John Hart, President, National Association of Home Builders

1976 0317-23 - GOV (House) - The Financial Reform Act of 1976 - Part 2 - [PDF-761p-GooglePlay

  • Statement of Charles W. Calomiris - Henry Kaufman Professor Of Financial Institutions, Columbia University Graduate School Of Business
    • (p6) - As of January 2008, roughly three-quarters of small-bank lending was in real estate loans.
      • Large banks had lower exposures but still very large ones.
    • The obvious answer is to limit bank real estate lending, forcing real estate financing to emigrate to REITS, insurance companies, and other more natural providers of real estate finance.

2015 0723 - GOV (House) - Ending ‘Too Big to Fail’: What is the Proper Role of Capital and Liquidity? - [PDF-94p, VIDEO-YouTube]

⇒ [Bonk: FCIC Interview - "Poor Charlie']

  • 1994 0614 - OTS - Memorandum - 9p
    • Definition of “readily marketable collateral” under real estate lending standards: applicability of sections 23A and 23B of the Federal Reserve Act to certain collateral on loans made to third-party purchasers
    • The Savings Bank seeks the OTS's view as to whether mutual fund shares and the cash life of insurance policies would be considered “readily marketable collateral” and thus permissible credit enhancements under the real estate lending rules for residential loans with loan-to-value (“LTV”) ratios that exceed 90%.