Policy Comparison


  • Bob, if I were coming to you to buy a policy, how would you tell me to compare whatever you're selling?
  • You said you offered policies for three or four companies.
  • How do you compare those policies and tell me which one I should buy?

Bob NELSON <NALU/NAIFA Representative>: "Inadequately" would be the short answer."

1993Sales Illustrations - We Can't Life with Them, But We Can't Life Without Them!, Society of Actuaries

  • ...customers may be satisfied with companies because they provide inexpensive products, but the customers may be misinformed about what is being sold. (p3)
  • We would suggest that such information could include a straightforward, detailed comparison of the purpose, potential pros and cons, and a means of comparing the value of significant insurance products, etc. (p4)

2015 0501 - AAA to IAIS - Committee Comments To IAIS On Conduct Of Business Risk Draft Paper - 4p