Red Team

  • 2022 1013 - IAIS - Draft – Issues Paper on Insurance Sector Operational Resilience - 28p  --- [BonkNote] 
    • (p17) - 61. - Red Team Tests – involve entities challenging their internal and external dependencies through the use of red teams to introduce an adversary’s perspective in a controlled setting.
      • Red teams serve to test possible vulnerabilities and the effectiveness of the entity’s mitigating controls.
      • A red team may consist of an insurer’s own employees and/or outside experts, who are in either case independent of the function being tested.
  • In view of the fact that the moderator and the other three members of the panel appear to be firmly of the opinion that __________, it would seem essential, if we are to provoke discussion, that I should take the opposite view, whether or not I believe in it.  (p36 / D480)

--  Cyril J. Woods

1971 - SOA - Digest of Discussion at Concurrent Sessions, Society of Actuaries - 250p 

  • 2016 1207 - CSPAN - Washington Journal: Timothy Naftali on 75th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor Attack (Presidential Historian) - [VIDEO-CSPAN]
    • 1:27/8 - Presidential Historian
    • GroupThink, Assumptions, Collect Data, Relearning, History
    • Host:  
    • 3:45 - Because it is very hard to predict change.
    • They're basing their prediction of the future on past events.
      • That is what we do.
      • And it is very hard to predict anomaly or outlier.
    • What you need are either Red Team, group of people who are going to act as if they are the enemy or another team going to critique the basic assumption of the intelligence community.
    • You need people outside to say, why do you believe that?
      • What is your basic assumption?
      • Are you certain about that?
    • That is hard to do, particularly for busy people.
      • A president and his National Security team, they have to worry about five different things at once and not all of them are foreign policy issues.
      • A President has to be concerned about domestic issues, getting that person's attention long enough to question assumptions is tough.