382. In 2015 Field Testing, lapse or persistency changes due to changes in market conditions were addressed under Market risk. Although the effect from market changes may be experienced through lapses, increases in coverage or unexpected persistence, the risk driver for many such changes is due to market changes. For instance, in an equity stress situation, the effect on lapse rates should be considered in respect of this particular risk. The IAIS elaborated in the published frequently asked questions (FAQ) for the 2015 Quantitative Field Testing that the level and trend component need not be determined for such products with dynamic lapse function such as variable annuities and universal life products.42

383. Experience from 2015 Field Testing indicates that there are merits to requiring an explicit level and trend shock to products with dynamic lapse functions. For 2016 Field Testing, the level and trend component as well as the mass lapse component applies to products with
a dynamic lapse function. The level and trend component shock is to be applied to the base rate of the dynamic lapse function.

42 A dynamic lapse function typically varies the lapse rate used in the calculation of liabilities depending on the difference between the return the insurer is providing on its policies and the returns provided by competitors.

Risk-based Global Insurance Capital Standard Version 1.0
Public Consultation - 19 July 2016 – 19 October 2016 Page 114 of 175

6.5.2 Feedback on the 2016 ICS CD
272. There was support from stakeholders for the extension of management actions to include limited premium increases for Health business, with some noting that the extension should apply beyond just Health business. Examples provided of other instances where the recognition of premium adjustments should be considered included yearly renewable term (YRT) premiums in certain long-term life reinsurance agreements, cost of insurance (COI) charges in certain long-term life insurance contracts, including universal life, and adjustable premiums on adjustable premium term life insurance. It was noted, though, that premium increase could lead to other policyholder actions such as increased lapses and possibly reputational risk.

Risk-based Global Insurance Capital Standard Version 1.0 for extended field testing - 21 July 2017 Page 69 of 124