State Insurance Regulators

  • As a member of a regulatory body it is important that you become involved in self-education to increase your professional knowledge and keep current on developments within the ever-changing business of insurance.

1984-2, NAIC Proc. - Report Of The (EX3) Market Conduct Surveillance Task Force Working Group On Consumer Complaint Analysis

2009 0402 - GOV (House) - The Collapse and Federal Rescue of AIG and What it Means for the U.S. - [PDF-87]

  • (p64) - Mr. Foster (D-IL) - From the point of view of the regulator, would you consider that a regulator for the AIG holding company would have to be an expert on each of the business units?
    • They would have to be an expert on airplane leasing, credit default swaps, securities lending, property and casualty, life insurance and so on and so forth?
    • I mean, is there a regulator you know that is actually expert in those areas?
  • (Hank) GREENBERG. Probably working for me.
  • Mr. FOSTER. Right. But it’s a serious thing, because we’re faced all the time with the problems that regulators are outgunned, salary-wise, manpower-wise, and intellectually, frankly.

(p24) - Ed Royce (R-CA): That takes me to the theme of Harry Markopolos’ testimony here that I think riveted everyone when he said that it was his belief that the SEC was over-lawyered.

  • He noted, and then subsequently the SEC officials affirmed it, he noted there was a fundamental lack of understanding of the more intricate aspects of our financial markets within the SEC which prevented the SEC year after year from uncovering the Madoff incident.
  • I do think Mr. Markopolos is on to something ...that part of their problem was the ....lack of understanding of how the market works by the people who are supposed to regulate it.

2009 1006 - GOV (House) - Capital Markets Regulatory Reform: Strengthening Investor Protection, Enhancing Oversight of Private Pools of Capital, And Creating a National Insurance Office - PDF-325p