Statute of Limitations - Walker v LSW

(p96) - Spooner

A After reviewing it many times, we decided to surrender the policies.
Q So you sent surrender notices in in September of 2008 to LSW?
A Yes, that's correct.
Q And your husband did also?
A Yes. We both sent in a surrender.
Q What happened after the surrender notices were sent to LSW in September 2008?
A Well, Mr. Cooper gave us a call a couple of days after we sent in the surrender and wanted to find out what our concerns were, asked us to put the surrenders on hold so that he would work with us and see if he could alleviate our concerns.
Q And did you agree to have the surrenders put on hold?
A We did.

2014 0415 – DOC 808 – Trial Transcript – Walker v LSW – 229p