Subgroup on the Unfair Trade Practices Act - NAIC


Louisville - December 3, 1990

1. Adopted amendments to the Unfair Claims Practices Act and Regulations and to the Unfair Trade Practices Act.
2. Received the report of the Subgroup on Unfair Trade Practices regarding tying, misquotes of premium and other unfair trade practices.

1991-1A, NAIC Proc.

3. Report of Subgroup on Unfair Trade Practices Act

The subcommittee then heard from Brad Connor(Mo.), Chair of the Subgroup on the Unfair Trade Practices Act.

  • Mr. Connor presented his written report dated Oct. 11, 1990 (Attachment Eight-B).
  • He reported that he had been given further direction from the NAIC leadership regarding the pursuit of unfair and improper tying arrangements as well as the practice of agents "low-balling" insurance premium quotations.

1991-1A, NAIC Proc.