Time Magazine

  • 1968 0517 - Time Magazine - Acquisitions: Invasion from the Armchair - [link]
    • Ling-Temco-Vought
    • LTV will raise the rest of the necessary money by selling off its interest in two insurance companies, Stonewall Insurance and American Amicable, and the First Western Bank & Trust Co. of Los Angeles.
  • 2008 0916 - Time Magazine - Why the Government Wouldn't Let AIG Fail, By Justin Fox - [link]
  • 2008 0917 - Time Magazine - AIG Bailout Spooks Customers Around the World - [link]
  • Time Magazine - 25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis - [link]
    1. Angelo Mozilo
    2. Phil Gramm
    3. Alan Greenspan
    4. Chris Cox
    5. American Consumers
    6. Hank Paulson
    7. Joe Cassano
    8. Ian McCarthy
    9. Frank Raines
    10. Kathleen Corbet
    11. Dick Fuld
    12. Marion and Herb Sandler
    13. Bill Clinton
    14. George W. Bush
    15. Stan O'Neal
    16. Wen Jiabao
    17. David Lereah
    18. John Devaney
    19. Bernie Madoff -
    20. Lew Ranieri -
    21. Burton Jablin
    22. Fred Goodwin
    23. Sandy Weill - Citi
    24. David Oddsson 
    25. Jimmy Cayne - Bear Stearns