Vogt v State Farm

  • Mrs. Vogt’s testimony reveals that the Vogts’ actual grievance with the policy performance arose from their agent’s alleged oral representation in 1999 that if they paid a $150 premium each month, their $100,000 policy would remain in force and would never lapse. (Ex. A at 17:17-20:12.)
2018 LC Pic Depo Mrs Vogt v State Farm UL same as WL
  • 2000 1005 - Annual Report - Continued planned payments of $150.00 each month will provide coverage until:
    • November 5, 2005, based on guaranteed rates 
    • July 5, 2013, based on current rates
  • 2004 1005 - Annual Report - Continued planned payments of $150.00 each month will provide coverage until:
    • June 5, 2009, based on guaranteed rates
    • October 5, 2014, based on current rates
  • 2012 1008 - Annual Report - If continued planned payments of $150 .00 each month will provide coverage until:
    • October 5, 2013, when the Insured's age Is 67, based on guaranteed rates
    • July 5, 2014, when the lnsured's age Is 68, based on current rates

2017 - LC - Vogt v State Farm - Mrs. Vogt Deposition

Mrs Vogt Deposition - 2017/12/13

https://www.lexislegalnews.com/articles/61740/u-s-high-court-refuses-to-review-life-insurer-s-petition-challenging-class-certification - April 19, 2021

State Farm’s petition for writ of certiorari
Vogt’s response in opposition
State Farm’s reply
Brief of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States - Document #50-210408-004B of America as amicus in support of State Farm
Motion of American Council of Life Insurers for leave to file amicus brief in support of State Farm