
  • In guarding the public against insolvent insurance companies state supervision has been eminently successful.
  • In protecting the people against frauds, impositions and abuses by solvent companies it has been only partially successful.  (p215-228)

"Deceptive Insurance Methods --The Cure", By Mr. E. E. Rittenhouse (Colorado, Insurance Commissioner of Colorado)

1907-0, NAIC Proceedings

WHEREAS1 Deceptive and fraudulent insurance methods alld pr~
motions designed to evade the laW are constantly being orig~nated
and placed before the public in various states of the Union;
Resolved, That· tn order that the people may be . warned and
protected against such impositions, and also enlightened as to stock
and Other inducements offered with, but not germane to insurance,
the Commissioners of Insurarice ~f the United States hereby pledge
themselves, so far as possible, to investigate ·a11 irregular and wildcat schemes which come to their notice, to exchange With each
other reports of such inVestigatlons, and to give the facts the widest
possible publicity