AIG - Stable Value Funds

  • 2009 1117 - SIGTARP - Factors Affecting Efforts To Limit Payments To AIG Counterparties - 47p
    • p10

2014 1002 - Starr International Company, Inc. v. The United States - Case 1:11-cv-00779-TCW - Trial Volume 4 - Baxter - 249p

  • (p153-154) Q. And you've mentioned that there was a discussion about some of the systemic issues concerning AIG, and I assume what you mean there is if AIG were to go bankrupt. What were some of those systemic issues that were discussed, to your recollection?

  • 1 A. Yeah. The impact on 401(k) plans. The impact on other, other retirement plans that AIG had wrapped, that was another issue that came up. Stable value funds was another. I think I mentioned I remember a particular reference to teachers retirement plans. And the reason that I remember that is my wife is a New York City public school teacher, so I would have a much higher authority  to account for -- account to, rather.
  • 10 Q. Understood.
  • 11 A. And those were the kinds of things I remember. It would have been bad.