Illustrations - Media

  • 1992 - The Telegraph (New Hampshire) - Uncover Truth in Life Insurance, by Jane Bryant Quinn - [link-GoogleNews]
  • 1994 0708 - Chicago Tribune / Kiplingers - Looks Can Be Deceiving, by Kristin Davis - 
  • 1996 0716 - The Buffalo News - Prudential Case Shows Need for Insurance Industry Reform. by James Odato -
  • 1996 0107 - Chicago Tribune / Washington Post - Imperfect Picture of Insurance Illustrations, by Jane Bryant Quinn -
    • When you buy a life insurance policy, the agent may show you something called a policy illustration.
    • First, Sen. Howard Metzenbaum threatened a campaign to impose federal regulation.
      • Then, a blitz of consumer complaints began to blot the reputations of some of....