Judges - Snippets

  • [Re: State Guaranty Funds]
  • 2021 1008 - In Re: Penn Treaty Network America - No. 1 PEN 2009 - Insurance Company in Liquidation Liquidator's Brief in Support of Exceptions - 456p
    • 2015 0511 - Proceedings Taken May 11, 2015
    • THE COURT, Mary Hannah Leavitt: What's going to happen when the guarantee associations take over these policies is that their policyholders, who had nothing to do with this insolvency, are going to make up the difference.
      • Guarantee associations get their money from insurance companies.
        • Insurance companies get their money from their policyholders; so you are shifting the burden from one set of policyholders to another.
      • That's a policy decision that's been made by the legislature, but I think there are problems with holding it up as a model of equity and fairness.
        • In a global sense I don't think it is very fair; but it doesn't matter because we are not here to talk about the wisdom of the legislature.
      • We are really here to decide what the legislature has decided we must do in this circumstance.  
    • MS. GLAWE: Exactly right.
      • That burden shifting is what the legislature and 52 jurisdictions have decided.
    • THE COURT: That's right.
    • MS. GLAWE: So that --
    • THE COURT: I wouldn't hold it up as a wonderful thing.
      • That's all I'm saying.
      • For every upside there's a downside on someone.