Spencer Bachus

  • Spencer Bachus - (R-AL)
    • 1993-2015 - US Senate
  • Spencer BACHUS (R-AL) - I believe to protect those that are relying on the bond insurers’ capitalization, I believe the superintendent of the
    New York Insurance Department could have raised the capital standards.
  • Governor SPITZER. Sir, I think you misapprehend—
  • Spencer BACHUS (R-AL) I believe there was inadequate capitalization

2008 0214 - GOV (House) - The State of the Bond Insurance Industry, Paul Kanjorski (D-PA)  ---  [BonkNote]

  • (p16) - Spencer BACHUS (R-AL). Let me ask you this. During your tenure, and I think what you are saying is you are acknowledging there was a fundamental failure of the New York Department of Insurance.
  • Governor Eliot SPITZER (New York). No. What I am saying is there was a multitude and a sequence of events that led to the subprime mortgage guarantees—
  •  Spencer BACHUS. Doesn’t the New York Department of Insurance— they approved the bond insurers investing in the subprime securitization market which was a risky market.
  • Governor SPITZER. I think that is a topic of conversation, and as I said, one of the underlying causes here was expansion of their jurisdiction from what used to be monoline businesses into the much more risky area of the securitized market.
  • Mr. BACHUS. The State Department of Insurance would have to approve their  investment.
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  • (p17) - Governor SPITZER - Mr. Bachus, you are involved in a finger pointing exercise. I am more than happy, sir, to get involved in that and go through with precise detail where this Administration failed at a regulatory level to stop multiple scandals.
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  • (p19) - Spencer BACHUS (R-AL) -  I guess my only point is as we look at these various agencies, the credit rating agencies, the investment banks, I think the State of New York has to accept some responsibility in that they were primarily—the bond insurers—were regulated by the New York Department of Insurance.
    • Whether that was under your watch or someone else’s, I think that is a fact.

2008 0214 - GOV (House) - The State of the Bond Insurance Industry, Paul Kanjorski (D-PA)  ---  [BonkNote]

  • As you may know, Alabama has a $1.3 billion per year insurance business, resulting in $240 million of insurance premium taxes every year.
    • A proposed optional Federal insurance charter not only could reduce this important source of State revenue in an era of tight State budgets and dwindling State income taxes but will also threaten the ability for States to adequately fund their State insurance departments.
    • Issues such as state insurance premium taxes must be addressed as part of any optional Federal insurance charter.  (p6)

--  Senator Spencer Bachus (R-AL)

2003 1105 - GOV (House) - Reforming Insurance Regulation: Making the Marketplace More Competitive for Consumers - [PDF-200p, VIDEO-?]