2016 0818 - Garrett Gunderson - Universal Life Insurance Policy: Everything you need to know

  • Todd Langford, Husband of Kim Butler
  • 00:00 - Todd - Zero-sum Game. Accountants got a hold of it sometime in the 80s and made decisions based on fear. - [Bonk: What does this mean?]
  • 00:00 - Todd - Accountants made a decision to come up with a product that was good for the company, but not necessarily good for the consumer. And that's where they lost their purpose.
  • 02:00 - Garrett - Concepts vs Math, Math supports the concepts.
  • 02:00 - Garrett - IUL is sold as a no risk product.
  • 02:00 - Todd - IUL Upside, Downside,  UL built on the Term Chassis. 

  • 02:45 - 04:15 - [Bonk: Q: How Can Universal Life Insurance Be Classified? Permanent / Whole / Term / Other]
  • 02:45 - Todd - People Say that Universal Life is Whole Life for half the price. It can't be half the price and be the same thing.
    • 03:00 - re: Norman Baker (?) - There are no deals in the insurance industry. Everything is a trade-off between cost and risk for the insurance company. 
    • 03:15 - Todd - Why are the premiums different for Term and Whole?
    • 03:30 - Todd - Universal Life is somewhere between the two. What does that mean?  What that means is that there's less risk for the insurance company and that is why they can charge a lower price for it.
    • But yet it's sold as the same thing as Whole Life.
    • In fact, part of it is in the Name. It is classified as Permanent Insurance. What does that mean? What does Permanent mean to you?
  • Garrett - That it will be around one day longer than me. For sure. 
  • Todd - Right. Permanent has to be there, right.? It has to be there. That's what Permanent is. And, yet, Universal Life doesn't fit that.  All it is is extended term insurance really.
  • 04:00-- Garrett - It's built upon this Term Insurance Chassis. Which is Annually Renewable. And it could go up every year as you get older. 

  • 04:00 - Todd - In the old days the only thing available was YRT.  Insurance companies then started Level Premium Term. Mortality Curve. 
  • 05:33 - Todd - UL undercharge - people - sad - people pay and then get a surprise. This thing is going
    • [Bonk: 1) UL - bigger and later surprise, 2) a) Blumenthal vs New York - Did it say $X was enough for permanent, b) GMP - Guaranteed Maturity Premium,  Expert Witness]

  • 0 - Garrett - Selling into a future that they don't understand how it's going to impact.
  • 07:00  - Todd - Seen what happens to families. Paid premiums, skipped Vacations.
    • Now that that spouse has died I find out that the Life Insurance doesn't exist.
    • People say that insurance companies don't pay claims. No, that's not what happened. - What happened was that they bought a faulty product, because it was sold to them as something that is permanent, but it turns out not to be when they actually look at it.

  • 09:00 - Universal life is a zero-sum game, original purpose was...
  • 9:40 - Accountants made UL....-?
  • Insurance companies have a terrible reputation
  • 10:00 - Garrett / Todd - 2008 recession, Double Dip, Variable Life - Complexity of IUL - People don't know how it works - Does taking money out of Policy affect your COI, NAV - Crediting has a lot of affects, Sequence of Returns, 
  • 12:50 - WL getting replaced by IUL. Guarantees vs NGE's.
  • not to protect the consumer, it's to protect the company
  • 6.81% max-? - Caps, Floors -
  • 14:45 - 
  • Garrett - alot of moving pieces, alot of things you are not being told, level of uncertainty, Tax Shelter
  • later people will think they have a different product
  • if somebody sold it, they may not know
  • Garrett / Todd - People think it's simple, I can't think of a more complicated product, They think they are buying an Annuity - Maybe it's easier to sell if you don't explain it
  • Todd - Arbitrage - LIRP - Illustration - Marketing - Guarantees vs NGE's
  • Think and ask better questions