
  • 2022 0808 - BetterWealth - Reacting To The Kai-Zen Retirement Strategy - [VIDEO-YouTube-10:37]
    • TikTok VIDEO
    • Premium Financing
    • Class Action Lawsuits - Not sold properly
  • 2024  0228 - Millennial Wealth Creator - Exposing The Biggest Lie About Indexed Universal Life Insurance IUL - [VIDEO-YouTube-16:24]
    • 2020 1204 - Wealth Protection Lady - Kai-Zen Your Retirement - [VIDEO-YouTube-09:09]
      • Comments
      • @ianvogelmedia - 1 month ago - This is an incredibly risky strategy, beware!
      • @WealthProtectionLady- 1 month ago - There is no risk. It's an IUL with financing. You can never lose money. However, I don't recommend Kai-Zen for most people mostly because you cannot touch your money for 15 years.
      • @themillennialwealthcreator - 1 month ago -I'm sorry but are you serious? You're really telling people they can NEVER lose money?
        • I wonder how many legal, company compliance, and ethics violations that one statement breaks.
        • While I'm definitely not a fan of IUL, I wouldn't say to never buy one as long as you understand what you're putting your money into, which most people do not.
        • And the reason they don't is because agents like you tell them they can never lose money and don't explain all of the things that can be changed and all the things that can go wrong with the policy.
          • If you did, they likely wouldn't buy the policy.
        • So, sell IUL if you want, but stop lying to people by telling them they can never lose money and that there's no risk in order to do it. Unbelievable.